About us

My name is Maryam Arif and I will be the teacher for Eternal Guidance. I am a mother of 4 and live in NJ, USA. My Quran journey began in 2006, when I first met my teacher, Sumara Khan and began attending her halaqas. I joined Al Huda Institutes Taleem ul Quran courses and learned under amazing teachers, Farhat Hashmi and Taimiyyah Zubair. From that moment onward I became a student of the Quran and Inshallah pray to always be one. I received an Ijazah in Tajweed (recitation of the entire Quran) in 2013 and began teaching for Quran Literacy Institutes ladies Tahfiz program. I am still a teacher at the Tahfeez program and have several students who have completed many portions of the Quran. I completed my Hifdh of the entire Quran in Ramadan of 2023. We launched Eternal Guidance for todays youth to connect with the Quran at their own level.